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Big issue

A LOT of captcha are not solved because two engine or more match even if only one is checked the developer need to deal with that !


  • cherubcherub
    Give some examples...
  • edited July 2013
    Its just a example its NOT about re-captcha...

  • Trevor_BanduraTrevor_Bandura 267,647 NEW GSA SER Verified List
    Need example of exactly what your talking about.
  • cherubcherub
  • These are recaptcha and CB is not solving that currently.
  • Its an example  of what i am talking about ,the last 5 captcha are not solved,and its not because its recaptcha the program say its because my setting but as you can see before the captcha is recognized so its not my setting...
  • royalmiceroyalmice WEBSITE: ---> | SKYPE:---> asiavirtualsolutions
    So the question is : Skipped by settings  - WHAT settings ?
  • as you are using BypassCaptcha for the webserver i suppose you are using CB for Ultimate Demon, right? when thats the case than you need to check the "Do not use the image type..." option if i'm not wrong.
  • I use it with gsa ser most of the time...
  • OzzOzz
    edited July 2013
    with SER you don't need the webserver option (leave it unchecked) and just change the SER options from "bypasscaptcha" to "captcha breaker". 

    i don't know if this helps to resolve your issue though for the case there is an issue (??). your sample just showing that along with recaptcha 3 other captcha definitions using the same dimensions for instance. but as you see it was detected as recaptcha successfully.
  • It was detected but its not the problem the probleme is it say 3 captcha match,skipped by settings and its not my settings...
  • the recaptcha is skipped because its unchecked by default. the solving rate is below 1% so its not worth to use any rescources (= time and CPU power) for it.

    when you right click the "Captcha Type" window and use 'Search -> Recaptcha' than you'll see that the checkbox right before recaptcha is unchecked which results in 'skipped by setting'. 
    for the case that you aren't using any 2nd captcha service (DBC, spamvilla, megaocr...) than you should activate the "skip hard to solve captcha" option in '-> SER -> project options -> options' so those captcha won't be send to CB right from the start.
  • I have checked it and has you can see one the picture (only) two of them has been recognized...

  • Dude how do you know is NOT reCAPTCHA... show US a picture where this happens and its not Re-captcha... you cant say is not a recaptcha issue if you don't have more examples...
  • dabdab Wa
    edited July 2013
    do you have "Skip hard to solve captchas" checked?  It is under Options in the project of SER.
  • edited July 2013
    @rodol don't need to proof what i am saying , i have already did it YOU are sayaing it come from re-captcha like all that can't read a post coreclty



  • i think you should have recognized by now that noone has a clue about what your issue is. how about to give some better examples (screenshots) and discribe your problem in more detail?

    if i have to guess you say that you unchecked all kind of captchas and when a captcha occur it is wrongly detected as another one and skipped by the settings, right?
    please give examples (urls) for that as the CB log should show you the captcha source when it was send from SER. also limit the log to 200 (or 300, 500,...) if that issue doesn't occur that often so you don't need to monitor the log all the time.
  • "if i have to guess you say that you unchecked all kind of captchas and when a captcha occur it is wrongly detected as another one and skipped by the settings, right?"

    NO , is like i was talking another language...
  • i believe i understand your question!.. maybe you are the one who doesn't understand the answers.... Your question is about what is causing the SKIP... you think is not the settings because there was some captchas solved from the same source and 5 got skipped by settings so you believe that if there was captchas solved WHY settings are skipping similar captchas... doesn't make sense right?... That can be a RECAPTCHA ISSUE... as we are trying to explain... IF that happens with another type of CAPTCHA then we can figure out whats going on... anyways Check the Logs as @ozz said he already answered your question man
  • OzzOzz
    edited July 2013
    i'm just wondering why you've unchecked all captchas of Web20s, Video and Unknown (+ some more i suppose). i don't know whats the reason for this but maybe you just messed up your configuration and should just uninstall everything of CB and do a clean installation of it again to use the default settings. you don't have to touch anything to make it work with just SER only and default settings are recommended!
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