Delete Target URL Cache // Delete Target URL History?
Can someone please explain me what each of these do?
Delete Target URL Cache
Delete Target URL History
Delete Target URL Cache
Delete Target URL History
What is the difference between "Delete URL Cache" and "Delete History Cache"?
Delete Cache - Click this only if you have e.g. imported a wrong target URL list or think you want to clear the URLs that a previous search task found.
Delete History - Click this if you..
a) want to submit to sites that you previously skipped (e.g. you didn't want to enter captchas back than but want to do now)
b) think it found sites in the past that it skipped but are now supported by e.g. new added engines
c) think it found sites in the past and somehow your internet connection blocked it to get sent to (proxy issue e.g.)
BUT delets the "already parsed" so it will start posting to the very first urls again?
So if iI have an onld campaign that has many submissions it will start from the beginning of the first found URL again?
@sven can you clarify this.
I thought if you delete url history, then it could screw up a project where you have it marked 'to not post twice to the same domain'. Is that true, or did I misunderstand?
Is there a way to disable this or does it do it in a way so as not to slow down the overall process? I generally use various domains as well as anchors so the chance of a page having the same link/anchor is slim even if it does already contain a similar link.