Low LpM, pics of current setup. Advice. Read stickies but still low LpM.
I have a very low LpM at the moment. I read the stickies above as well as try to configure it myself. I still can't figure out why the LpM is so low. I have posted my setup in the pictures below as well as give some extra details. Please someone take a look and see how I can improve my LpM and any general or advance advice welcomed.
Additional Info:
For each campaign I'm using:
100k generic keywords
generic anchor text- 15%
domain as anchor text - 25%
anchor text variation - 20%
I'm using a VPS. My vps is running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. It has Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU-e5-1650 @ 3.20Ghz, 768 RAM. I'm also running public proxies for everything but submitting and verifying I'm using private and public.
Just in case it was missed
Im so proud of that picture
Im sure just pretend they are dumb and miss the talk of public proxies to see that art work
Screen shots are a joke. You cant read some of the information that would normally be advised on
A little tip. look for the advice on search engine recommendations as well
I run 250 threads on 40 proxies without any lag all day and night