Why does it keep submitting past the number I have it set to?
I have my Tier 1's set to pause after 50 "submissions reached in a day" but they don't stop, they just keep on submitting. Wtf??
These Tier 1's link to my money site so obviously I don't want too many links being built per day... why are they not stopping at 50 submissions??? I've been having to keep my eye on them and manually set them to "Inactive" after they start going way past 50 submissions.
These Tier 1's link to my money site so obviously I don't want too many links being built per day... why are they not stopping at 50 submissions??? I've been having to keep my eye on them and manually set them to "Inactive" after they start going way past 50 submissions.
when i see word 'submitted' ..i assume its the number of articles submitted..however, SER shows both submitted as well as account created..so if 'submitted' column says 900 it means SER has created 900 accounts [and its verifying them]..there is no way for us to find out how many articles actually submitted..You can see that number only on logs..
It would be less confusing if SER shows actual submission number in that column insted of both account created and submission :-)
So how can there end up being 80 verified links from 50 submissions? If it's set to pause at 50 submissions then wouldn't the maximum possible number of verified links be 50?
Hmm, then why is the project counter going way past the set "submissions per day" number? Damn, this should not be so difficult.