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Question about project staus when using my scraped list

If i understand correctly when i import my list of url's from project>import target url's>From File the project status should be Active and "Use url's from global site list if enabled" should be unchecked. I am not sure if all search engines should be unchecked also.

And when i use url's from the folders with saved submitted and verified links "Use url's from global site list if enabled" should be checked and all search engines should be unchecked. And the project status should be "Active (Use global site list only)

Is that correct?


  • i think you understood something wrong. if you only want to use scraped lists than "global list" as well as all search engines needs to be disabled. in this case SER stops to submit once its done with the list.

    but there is nothing wrong to keep SEs and global lists activated when you just want to import a list once in a while and when SER is done with it than it scrapes new URLs by itself or uses existing URLs of the site lists.
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