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Updating engines: "no engine matches" & "no form at all"

I'm running a guestbook only project with Google DE as engine and I'm getting a lot of "no engine matches" and "no form at all".

Figured it must be the GB engine scripts. Now if I want to update the engines with the German strings:

1. I simply add the strings the page must have separated by a pipe to this variable like shown below, correct?
page must have1=Easybook Reloaded by|com_easybookreloaded|My new string

2. What about umlauts? Do I have to encode them somehow when adding to "page must have1", "find link" or "find url"?

3. What about updates? Is there a way to see when SER gets updated which engines have been updated so I don't copy my modified engines over updated engines?


  • OzzOzz
    edited June 2013
    1. yes
    2. see what other scripts are doing which have "gästebuch" in their name
    3. scripts will be overwritten once updated by Sven. you can either give them a new name like "Easybook Reloaded Mod.ini" (won't be updated) or sort the engines folder by date to see which scripts were modified recently.

    btw, "no form at all" means that SER can't find a field to put your URL in, so it skips it.
  • SvenSven

    1. correct

    2. no need to encode it

    3. sorry it just gets overwritten. But feel free to share your optimizations.

  • edited June 2013
    @Ozz, thanks for the hint with the custom name!

    Regarding the "no form at all" issue: Yeah I got that, but in the cases I checked it was also due to missing German strings in the engine.

    @Sven, where/how to share?

    PS: What I noticed is that some engines may have a German string in "search term", but the "page must have" doesn't contain that string. That's a huge waste of resources, scraping for those footprints when they won't match the engine anyway.

  • edited June 2013
    Btw, I'm getting a lot of question popups.

    Atm it's for the Phoca guestbook and the questions are like:
    • 3 plus 3 ist gleich
    • 8 plus 4 ist gleich
    • 10 minus 9 ist gleich
    I'm using CB.

    1. Is there a way I can add a signature for this kind of questions?
    2. Why am I getting the popups at all? I have turned off "ask user" in the settings.

  • SvenSven

    >1. Is there a way I can add a signature for this kind of questions?

    Yes but usually it should be solved by SER automatically as this is pure math. Any sample site?

    >2. Why am I getting the popups at all? I have turned off "ask user" in the settings.

    Than you should not get that indeed.

    >where/how to share?

    paste your changes in pm maybe?

    >huge waste of resources

    That is not really true. I don't know what engine you mean but page must have contains usually more than one pattern to recognize the engine.

  • @ huge waste of resources:

    I don't recall this one, but right now when preparing a footprint list for Scrapebox I stumpled upon this:

    PHPBookmark footprint:
    "Startseite Charts Anmelden Tools Schlagwörter Mitgliederbereich"
    --> no results. Imagine I have 5000 keywords and the scraper is going to query Google for each of those keywords with this footprint.

  • Another engine where the footprints don't cut it anymore: Viral Socializer Script
    "Add and share your bookmarks with the ease of a click"
    "Live/current version of your bookmarked page."
  • OzzOzz
    edited June 2013
    regarding the PHPBookmark footprint: i believe it needs to be fixed without quotation marks or something like this.

    the viral socializer footprints are giving me 90k and 60k results. make sure you search at
  • SvenSven
    PHPBookmark fixed for next release
  • The viral socializer footprint "Add and share your bookmarks with the ease of a click" gives 114 results. Try going past SERP #12 and you'll see the remaining numbers are just omitted results from duplicate domains.

    And of those 114 results most are from some scraper sites or spam, not from the engine's platform at all.
  • edited June 2013
    While going through the footprints and building my own lists of footprints I figured out that there are three kind of footprints:
    1. Single footprints which make no sense to be mixed with keywords for further scraping
    2. Multi footprints which can be combined with other keywords to find more targets.
    3. Date footprints (which are actually a sub set of "Multi footprints") to find targets that got recently indexed.

    A single footprint example might be a footprint that can be only found on the register page where there will be nearly no other or user generated content for the additional keywords to match.

    A multi footprint example would be a footprint from the tags, category or latest bookmarks page where the content is user generated.

    Finally I'm creating a third list which I call "date footprints" where e.g. the footprint contains a string like "on 04-25-2013 * posted" or "shared 15 days ago" where I have to adjust the date prior scraping and which can be combined with keywords.

    To top it off I even build for each of those kinds of footprint separate lists for other languages. But that is only of use for the few SER users like me who spam build links in other languages.

    Thought I'll give this input as I see some room of improvement here.

    For those that use huge keyword lists it's a waste to query 10'000 times Google through a proxy to query a footprint from the register page combined with another keyword each time.

    After all IMHO scraping and the footprints are essential for the performance of SER.

    PS: So far I only had a look at some social bookmarks footprints. So not everything I stated above might apply to other engines. I'll see that for myself once I'm done with the SB footprints.

  • OzzOzz
    edited June 2013
    well done komakino.

    >Finally I'm creating a third list which I call "date footprints" where e.g. the footprint contains a string like "on 04-25-2013 * posted" or "shared 15 days ago" where I have to adjust the date prior scraping and which can be combined with keywords.

    in case you didn't know: you are able to use macros for those footprints as well like
    "on {random-01-12}-{random-01-28}-{random-2010-2013} * posted"
    "shared {random-2-30} days ago"
  • Didn't know that, thanks for the hint!
  • @komakino

    Can you explain this?

    "Regarding the "no form at all" issue: Yeah I got that, but in the cases I checked it was also due to missing German strings in the engine."

    I am having a similar issue when coding my own engine. The form is clearly there when I visit the page, but I get this error anyhow. The form ID matches what i have in my .INI file. And it's for a registration step so what @Ozz said doesn't seem to apply.

    "btw, "no form at all" means that SER can't find a field to put your URL in, so it skips it."

    Are you saying a "No form at all" error comes up when it doesn't match "page must have"?

    Shouldn't that be a "no engine matches" error?

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