Signup on Membership pages with Fee
I'm trying not to sound too paranoid, but i checked some roots of my scrapes manually the other day to look for new footprints (especially article/SN ones); and some of them say "Sign up now, its only 15$ per year" etc. So a question came to my mind:
- Can SER accidentally register on a page that requires a fee?
The point is, im not afraid because of one or two links. But what we do is hammering out thousands of links per day, and that maybe for years. So i'd be a bit concerned if this was possible. I don't think Proxies help much at this point because the provider has to reveal the data in those cases. And sometimes they leak etc.
Your ideas/answers are much appreciated.
- Tj
Yes it can, it also sends me all the topless pictures of your girlfriend from your hard drive at the same time.
If your into bestiality, we are still working on who to send those ones to
What was AlexR's ip again