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Okay so what's happened?!

edited September 2012 in Need Help
I have been running a 4 campaigns for around about 8-10 weeks. They are all targeting the same niches.

I haven't changed anything other than captcha settings. And the software has gone from submitting best part of 500-1000 links a day to around about 35! The captcha settings have been set to manual , but I am sat there waiting for them. I know it seems daft but I wouldn't think changing the setting to manual would make such a big difference.

Can anyone help me? Is it time to start new projects for this site?



  • Have you tried adding more keywords and chosen other search engines to scrape from?

  • add more keywords and change the email address yet?
  • I have something similar. I have a campaign that has been running for around 5 days and it has only submitted 51 links. I have 10,000 keywords being used for that campaign

    I have a total of 18 campaigns running (mixture of tier1 and 2) and have only submitted 74 in total today. 
  • what about the proxies? anything odd in the log or debugger?
  • There are so many variations though. I have a campaign setup (Tier1) that only hits PR1 and higher and OBL at 100. It may get only a couple hundred verified in a week time. I then have a Tier2 setup for that one with no PR requirements or anything and it will get a few thousand verified.
  • I am using 10 private proxies. Just got my new list on Friday. Seem to have a lot of no engine matches. Just took the threads down from 100 to 50 and restarted the software. Now it is zooming again. 74 submissions all day now it has submitted 25 in the past minute!

    Thought I might post a few of the errors from the debugger for you

    lots of "download failed"
    some "no form at all"
    quite a few "unknown registration status"

  • I am using 700 good proxies althought they have been scraped. But like I said this is a setting I haven't changed. I was getting like 500 links a day.

    I seem to be getting alot of download errors, also no enginies matches!

    Any advice?

  • O and email's have been changed and keywords been added!

  • OzzOzz
    edited September 2012
    If both of you get a lot of "download failed" than recheck your proxies first and make sure that they are working. You could play with the thread count too and lower it for a while.

    If nothing helps than copy your log to and/or make a screenshot of the debugger (options -> advanced -> run in debug mode). It is always like grope about in the dark when we have no real infos about whats going on with your projects.  
  • Cool thanks ozz will check proxies. Doing it as we speak. Thanks
  • Ouch, its (not *.org).
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    Also - how similar are your keywords? I am having an issue at the moment with that. I used SB keyword tool and although different getting very high percent of duplicate URL's. So you might have 10 000 keywords, but with 99% generating the same SE results, thus only having an actual 100 Keywords! I.e. "free books" might generate 99% similar results to "for free books".

  • Well, i have the same issue and i have to scrape for new sites every day since its not enough for me.

    I have the following settings:

    1. More than 5000 different keywords (in the same niche).
    2. 10 private proxies with 20 threads
    3. Skip site with pr lower than 1 checked.
    4. OBL at 100.
    5. Checked the most relevant search engines in english.
    6. Everything is like the video tutorials.

    Any ideas?

  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    1) Get the SE list to use in this post.
    2) If you have SB you can scrape some URL's using keywords and see how many duplicates it removes. To do this in GSA, you will need to only scrape and then remove duplicates and work out the percent yourself. BUT, not sure if this is your actual problem, but sounds like it. 
  • Thanks GlobalGoogler. I will try with your SE list. 

    I'm scraping urls with SB and the in built scraper, but it takes time and you have to do it every day if you need a decent quantity of backlinks.

    The question is if it's only happening to some users or just to everyone, so i can know if the only valid solution is to scrape sites every day or it just maybe a bug or something.

    The first days i got a very good quantity of backlinks but after 5, 6 days the amount decreased.
  • When running in Debug mode. I am getting absolute loads of download failed what is the main reason for this? If I had some proxies would this stop this?

    Rather than just scraping? And if so how many to run around 20 projects with 200 verified links per project?

  • s4nt0ss4nt0s Houston, Texas
    @jmd_webs - Download Failed = Proxies.  If you have some good private proxies it should definitely help.
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