Import Verified URL's from site list or Check "verified" in global options in project options?
So if I want to use the the verified url's from my site lists, I have 2 options:
A) Check "verified" in global options in project options
Use the new feature: import verified urls into a project
Is there any difference between the 2?
A) Check "verified" in global options in project options

Is there any difference between the 2?
1 more question :-)
If I wanted to run a project that used only global site lists, but not use keywords at all, is that possible?
If one does not fill in the keyword field in a project, then it cannot be saved, so is there a work around?
So if i did put the word "website" in the keyword field, then I import my verified global site list, and then I actually start the project - will GSA first run through the verified global list FIRST before it starts scraping for the keyword "website"?
1. Use Brumnick's suggestion and import verified urls into a project but have all platforms deselected.
2. When the verified urls have run thier course, turn the platforms back on.
I was just about to come back here and say that deselected platforms don't work - I misread what Brumnick said.
Cool, not I can live verified happy.
Thanks for the help guys