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2 questions I dont think have been answered...

spunko2010spunko2010 Isle of Man
...Probably because they are self-explanatory :) However I wanted to check.

1. When duplicating T2 to T3, obviously the 'Use verified URLs...' option, needs to be updated to the new tier's links. Do we still need to click on Edit > Clear on URL bar, before pointing the links to the new tier? I know we do need to do it when duplicating a Project, but not sure on same Project but new tier. I do it anyway.

2. Is it possible to specify amount/ percentage of links that will be directed to the homepage, for the option 'Use the root/amin URL in some variations'. Currently it just says 'some' , but this is not specific. Is it random number? Set number?? Maybe @sven can add an upper/lower limit for this option , like the other URLs.


  • OzzOzz
    edited May 2013
    1. no, the field won't be used anymore as it is using the links of the tier above
    2. it says " some variations" which is correlated to the option "use variations with XX %..."

    upper/lower isn't needed imo as not every link will be indexed so its somewhat random already in the eyes of google.
  • SvenSven

    1. what @Ozz said

    2. If the option is set to 50% for url variations, it uses also 50% of these to have the root url.

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