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Search Engine List To Find Revelant Urls?

Hello Good people,

Watching Fatsteve's video on scraping relevant urls to place links on. Just wanted to know where can I find that list of search engines he added to SER. I did a search here and on BHW but couldn't get my hands on it. If there is a thread for it here just post it. I did a search for "search engine lists" and "pref file". I just want to apply the knowledge im learning to really get SER working how I want it.

Thanks in advance guys for ANY help!

heres the link


  • he is using the list of ~37 SEs i compiled a while ago, right? well, as it was a step forward at that time when everyone was using just "all SEs (of specific language)" the list has its flaws.

    just stick to what LeeG always says and just use some google (International + RND) plus some google of different countries. you can add some yahoo SEs as well if you like.
  • Thank you very much
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