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Does "Use global site list if enabled" override....

I have a project that is using article sites only, and I have the PR filter set to only post to sites that have a root domain of PR4 or higher. If in the options on a project I also select "Use global site lists if enabled" and select verified and submitted, will GSA post automatically post to these regardless of PR, or will the PR4 or higher option I have chose be honored?


  • I'm pretty sure it will still only post to sites with PR4 or higher from your global site lists
  • don't expect that many +PR4 article sites anyway.
  • Cheers guys.

    Not expecting too many at PR4 and above, but they make a nice start for tier 1 links.
  • SvenSven
    All your project settings will still be used for any URL you import or if it is coming from site lists or search engines.
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