Trying to fix Ground CTRL
So while debugging Ground CTRL I found that during the register step it's missing the checkbox "I am not a bot" ... Whatever that means... So anyways, I looked into the source and found checkbox _g_bot was being missed as seen below. Now I noticed in the engine it has an "add fixed data" field which would suggest that the checkbox can't be found with a regular http get, since it's passing some javascript but I can't identify that in the page source, the javascript... It looks like a normal name field/_g_bot is in. I also noticed that there isn't an "add fixed data condition" set, which in the manual it says if that isn't defined then it won't work. Can someone take a look and explain how to fix this. I think this would help not only me but a lot of other people try to understand this step more. Thanks
add fixed data=_g_bot=on;_gc_token=i

add fixed data=<varname>=<varcontent>;...
If you have no condition defined, it will always add it/overwrite it. Im not sure why I has adding it like that. I guess the _gc_token sometimes was different and than the box didn't had to be checked (question: Im a robot). So I made it like that.