Export all verified links - All projects
First, I didn't select "Save verified sites to" in Options > Advanced until recently.
Now I would like to export easily all the verified links of all my projects, in just a few clicks, without needing to do it project by project, would someone please let me know?
I have over 100 sites so this would be time consuming without this possibility unfortunately.
Now I would like to export easily all the verified links of all my projects, in just a few clicks, without needing to do it project by project, would someone please let me know?
I have over 100 sites so this would be time consuming without this possibility unfortunately.
Im not sure what exactly you want. But you can import verified URLs from projects to the site list by using the TOOLS menu.
If you want to export verified URLs from projects to a file, you can select all projects->show urls->verified...there you have all URLs loaded.
select all projects->show urls->verified...there you have all URLs
This is exactly what I wanted to know, I wanted to get all verified urls from all projects at the same time