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Is it possible to customize GSA for the languages ​​I need?

Is it possible to configure GSA so that posting and comments are sent to sites with the languages ​​I need? How can I make settings for this?


  • Hello @VoldemarPetroff !

    The easy way is to create your own urls lists based on your location, you can use scrapebox tuning the footprints.

    If you don't want to use other programs, simply, make a copy of the engine you use and change the footprints so that SER finds the targets you need.
  • Oscar said:
    Hello @VoldemarPetroff !

    If you don't want to use other programs, simply, make a copy of the engine you use and change the footprints so that SER finds the targets you need.
    how to do this? can you do it for example for french?
  • Here is an example using the SMF engine.

    1) Go to: c:\path-installation\GSA Search Engine Ranker\Engines.
    2) Copy the engine SMF.ini.
    3) Paste the SMF.ini engine in a folder of your choice, for example: “custom engines”.
    4) Rename the file to: SMF_FR.ini (for example).
    5) Open the file with PSPad (this is the one I use).
    6) Search for: search term="Powered by SMF"|"powered by Simple Machines"|inurl:"/index.php?action=register"|"Powered by SMF" inurl:"register.php"|"Please note that with each post, your IP address is recorded"|"Listen to the letters / Request another image"|"Most users online today" "Most users online ever"
    7) Make changes to the footprint to localize sites in your language.
    8) Save the changes.
    9) Copy and paste the engine SMF_FR.ini in the “Engines” folder of the SER installation.


    Repeat the steps with each of the engines you use, remember to edit your campaign to select these custom engines.

    PS. You can add more footprints to the variable: “search term”.
    Thanked by 1VoldemarPetroff
  • super. Thank you
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