spruz.com free social network host platform
With spruz.com you can build your own social network site with a forum blog and stuff... also you can join others social network websites and post articles on them and talk on the forum
you could eitheir make something that hunts for other people social network sites and register post on their forum or post on blog or create your own on spruz.com.
there is a limit to free account to 50 member's (so maybe to improve efficiency see what member count is and if below 50 then register otherwise could be using up time resource solving captcha and registering when there isnt enough room) usually there is a memeber statstic on homepages...
"Support this site by donating
Fund Balance" There lots of possibly things with this maybe... if not to comment forum post.. and article post on other people social network but to also create your own... registration is quite simple... im not good at coding though ...... Anyway thanks! (with the social network creating you get your own subdomain) |