SER is "Acting Up" since last update (4.21)
I have had to constantly monitor SER today since last update. My system is running close to 100% CPU utilization almost all the time. (I have a quad-core cpu that is fairly fast). I don't know if it is because of this cpu utilization or not, but the interaction between SER and Captcha Sniper is terrible now too. Captchas take 5-20 seconds to solve. I am getting frequent tesseract terminations (very rare before). And eventually CS will appear to hang. When this happens, it seems that SER "hangs" too.
I don't think it really hangs. It seems to just be waiting on responses back from CS. If I shut CS down and start it back up, it usually will process a bunch of captchas very quickly (like there was a backlog of them). SER will speed back up for a while. And then the whole process will repeat itself - usually in less than 1/2 hour.
I have tried rebooting my PC. I have tried closing all other programs. Nothing has changed on this PC except for the update to SER and everything has been running great.
Any ideas?
I don't think it really hangs. It seems to just be waiting on responses back from CS. If I shut CS down and start it back up, it usually will process a bunch of captchas very quickly (like there was a backlog of them). SER will speed back up for a while. And then the whole process will repeat itself - usually in less than 1/2 hour.
I have tried rebooting my PC. I have tried closing all other programs. Nothing has changed on this PC except for the update to SER and everything has been running great.
Any ideas?
I had noticed when I tried to stop SER before that there was a couple of projects that took a long time (about 5 minutes) to finally stop. I noticed this again when I just stopped everything. I think it was the same two projects.
I started everything back up with all project inactive. Then I activated them one at a time, except for the two I noticed took so long to stop. Everything seemed to be running fine, so I enabled those two for verify only.
Everything still seems to be running fine like it is now. It is getting late my time, so I will leave it to run like this overnight and see what happens. If it stays ok, I will start the other two projects back up in the morning and see if the problems come back.
windows server 2008 SP2, 3 projects, 20 threads. no project has "use urls from sitelist" enabled...
Identified and verified are saved though as set in global options.
CPU usage is constantly over 90% for the SER process:
Seemed to run ok for a while. I slowly activated more projects one at a time. And eventually it got bogged down again - until I stopped and restarted Captcha Sniper.
I noticed I am getting a lot of the following messages displayed (always "0/0"). What does this mean? I know I turned off posting to the site lists. But I still have "use site lists" turned on in each project. I just checked and the files are there.
08:04:16: [ ] Loaded 0/0 URLs from site lists
Ozz...I am running an AMD Phenom X4 9750 with 8GB. I have not had the problem of the cpu utilization pegging again, but I am averaging 25-30% with spikes over 90%. I am running (when everything is running) 6 projects and 50 threads.
5% most of the time with 25-30% when working actively and some spikes over 90%
Sven or Ozz please let me know if you need more information, log files, I can test things too, happy to help or provide any information I can.
I have been running this way for a couple hours now and it seems to be working ok. I think you may need to stop and restart everything for this to take effect...??? At least it didn't seem to help until I did that.
However, posting & verifying rates seem to have really tanked. And I am getting hundreds of these messages on every project.
[ ] Loaded 0/0 URLs from site lists
and this is only happening on 4.21 on previous version
I was amazed how CS is so stable
I was not going to report this here but since I show this issue ...
Sometimes for 20-40 seconds it goes to 100% cpu usage and it lags/hangs...
I don't think it is due to the improved threading since this didn't happen with 4.19 which was already mad fast with new thread management.
CPU utilization is back to staying pegged at about 95-100%. This does not seem to be effecting system performance on this PC. Everything else that I am doing is running ok. It seems that SER just uses as much cpu as it can when it needs to.
[ ] Loaded 0/0 URLs from site lists
I am not getting these now that I have switched back to saving to the Global Sites Lists again.
No links at all over night. Not runnin CS.
Rolled it back to 4.19 and running strong again
use hosts file redirects
you have it uncheched ?
unfortunately there is no way to remember these setting (or is there ?)
and when CS is closed you have to set them again ... :-(
Says "old" - double click on that one
Sven added this backup after I requested it about a month ago-
Are you running Captcha Sniper X?
After I updated SER & CS to the lastest releases, the program has been running better than ever before. I have gotten twice as many submitted and verified as ever before while running fewer threads than I had been running previously.
using the settings mentioned Ozz
@GiorgosK: Did you reduced the thread count?