SER does not kill the process and hangs permanently

Hello @Sven
There seems to be an issue with SER "crashing" in less than an hour on a thread that does not meet the 180s timout. There remain nights and days in this state.
I have to manually stop the software and restart it constantly, create bugreport on bugreport, it's very restrictive.
It seems to be the timout of very slow proxy or site loading that is the problem. Why is the timout is not respected in order to kill the connection?
I lost a week of work with this bug.
I can test that, can you share the right link (windows 10 pro 64 bits) ?
Ok libssl-3.dll > libssl32.dll
But for libeay32.dll ?
I press OK and GSA starts and a problem appears - SSL: SSL/TLS support is not compiled!
Replaced all files api-ms-win-crt-...... from the distribution
The same windows began to appear, but with the inscription - libssl-3.dll, libcrypto-3.dll
I did it as described here, the program starts normally. But frequent messages - SSL: SSL/TLS support is not compiled! - not missing
I got this on 2 out of 5 servers after the update. - win server 2012
Help me decide! Thank you!!!