Scheduler - Recheck & Skip

Hi @Sven
Another request for the scheduler.
Can there be another option to 'Recheck Active (Pause) projects and skip to another project'?
With a larger number of projects, many may be set to 'xx verifications per hour/day/etc' and with the scheduler currently, these projects will remain active until the next switch. But they aren't really doing anything.
For me anyway, I'd love to skip these after SER checks the project's Pause setting and have the scheduler choose another project - thus maximizing efficiencies - if that makes sense.
Another request for the scheduler.
Can there be another option to 'Recheck Active (Pause) projects and skip to another project'?
With a larger number of projects, many may be set to 'xx verifications per hour/day/etc' and with the scheduler currently, these projects will remain active until the next switch. But they aren't really doing anything.
For me anyway, I'd love to skip these after SER checks the project's Pause setting and have the scheduler choose another project - thus maximizing efficiencies - if that makes sense.
I'd prefer them to be skipped each scheduling cycle so another project can get some SER juice
Testing that option now. seems to be doing it. I thought it worked differently by the wording so my bad
'Active (Pause) projects - skip & recheck on next cycle'