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Pop-Up Captchas

edited September 2012 in Need Help
How do I turn off pop-up captchas, I've done it before but cannot remember where.

It's strange because out of my 7 project only 1 project gives me pop-ups


  • Uncheck "If everything fails, ask user" in the options -> captcha -> at the bottom
  • That's already unchecked and also that would allow pop-ups for all projects not just 1 project right?
  • Captchas or questions? If questions could be the per project option "if a value cant be filled: ask user" which should be changed to "choose random"
  • it's questions, where can I change this, in the Edit -> Project?
  • project options -> change "ask user" to "random"
  • How does random work then if say it asks for email or name?  How would random know which to use to make it successful?

    Would it be possible to have an option in the answer questions field to right click and be able to add a certain field?

    For instance if we get "Seite" that would be site url, so then it can learn this field.  Or is this something that needs to just be added to the engine files?
  • What I mean actually is adding the variables like %NAME% to the answers field.
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