Surprisingly low index rate

I've been running gsa for a few months now. I just exported all of my links and did a massive link check to get an accurate list of where my active live links where.
Out of 102k total links found...and this is a variety of articles, guestbooks, image comments, microblogs, social bookmarks, social networks, and web2.0...with perhaps some blog comments in there too.
From a quick look, and just from experience with the different platforms, my list of links found is mainly coming from the static page contextuals and not so much from the gbooks or from the 2.0 since I have yet to really see that module work (with cb at least)
Anyways, the link date on these ranges from a few months old to very recently, it's a total mix. Out of the 102k links found, 83k are NOT indexed which surprised me. So it's about a 19% index rate.
I'm about to dump the whole lot into my energizer setups and start using gsa to 2nd tier them mainly with quick gbook/comms just to get them indexed...and add a lil more juice.
Can anyone else comment on their index rates and how they differ when using just straight links vs having them tiered up? And what they are using as the indexing 2nd tier? I mean if the first round of links index at 19%, just tossing more of the same doesn't seem to make sense...which is why I thought gbook/comm blasts would be good since they tend to be indexed already and frequently recrawled due to lots of updates.
Out of 102k total links found...and this is a variety of articles, guestbooks, image comments, microblogs, social bookmarks, social networks, and web2.0...with perhaps some blog comments in there too.
From a quick look, and just from experience with the different platforms, my list of links found is mainly coming from the static page contextuals and not so much from the gbooks or from the 2.0 since I have yet to really see that module work (with cb at least)
Anyways, the link date on these ranges from a few months old to very recently, it's a total mix. Out of the 102k links found, 83k are NOT indexed which surprised me. So it's about a 19% index rate.
I'm about to dump the whole lot into my energizer setups and start using gsa to 2nd tier them mainly with quick gbook/comms just to get them indexed...and add a lil more juice.
Can anyone else comment on their index rates and how they differ when using just straight links vs having them tiered up? And what they are using as the indexing 2nd tier? I mean if the first round of links index at 19%, just tossing more of the same doesn't seem to make sense...which is why I thought gbook/comm blasts would be good since they tend to be indexed already and frequently recrawled due to lots of updates.
I would suggest that to get your Tier 1 stuff indexed, you might want to look at some of the guides @Ozz, @ron and others have posted on the forums and start to use a multi-tiered framework from the start.
I do this as well as using GSA Indexer for my T1 stuff and tend to get a much higher % of indexation.
My process is everything to lindexed > wait a couple of weeks > see what's not indexed > gsa indexer > wait a couple of weeks > see what's not indexed > scrapebox.
Indexing is the type of thing where you will get different results, as far as %'s go.
Obviously the T1's are the most important as they link directly to your moneysite, so anything you can throw at it whether it be indexing services, gsa indexing software or tiered linking is all good.
Try to differentiate by priority on lower tier backlinks. Comments can roll off the page, and comments on blogs should already be on indexed properties - if not, then the blog is crap, and your 3 or 4 backlinks won't matter anyway. Same with forum profiles.
So I would focus my efforts on - among all those crap links you are trying to index - which ones are the most worthwhile to invest your resources. They are all not equal. Even among crap, there are some links that are just pure stinky crap.