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Internet Connection Offline - what happens?

edited March 2013 in Need Help
For 6 hours my DSL went offline. I had some 50 k URls loade in target lists before the failure. It seems SER tried some time, and then marked them as "download failed"..

Is there some kind of x times retry in SER? DOes it check if a working internet-connection is present?


  • SvenSven
    nothing like that is can use other programs to make sure of that. Using GSA SER for it would mean a waste of resources in my eyes as not many people have problems with that.
  • edited March 2013
    I think I explained it falsely.

    What happes with the loaded target URLs when the internet connection from SER to the "cloud" is gone?
  • hhmm, with no connection no proxies are working as well. you could use "stop projects when no active proxies" to stop everything.
  • if that would work, I will remind that.
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