It seems I'm not able to provide correct answers as the filename as there are special characters such as "<", "?" in many of the captchas. I'll make .txt file for each image separately containing the correct answer. Hopefully, this can work too to cross-reference the images and their correct answers..
Here it is zipped and ready. (sent you via PM) Please make sure to read "Note.txt" for the two special captcha cases I've encountered. Also, on the site that uses this captcha it's not case-sensitive, so you can enter the letter either with caps on or off, it's gonna be accepted as a correct answer - not sure if this mean something to you.
The correct answers I've compiled are provided as case-sensitive, the same as shown.
I'm eager to find out what accuracy rate we can achieve with this one. Thank you!
It seems I'm not able to provide correct answers as the filename as there are special characters such as "<", "?" in many of the captchas. I'll make .txt file for each image separately containing the correct answer. Hopefully, this can work too to cross-reference the images and their correct answers..