in project options you can specify to add authority links to the content. These links can be either the scraped ones or the one that are added during publishing.
+1 , currently what i did was to create a bunch of backlinks, but I have to import articles manually using the permalink using the backlinks, very slowly
1. edit project and disable all the sources for "authority links"
2. go to OUTPUT and enable "Insert Authority Links"
3. remove all unwanted authority links from the project by clicking on "Authority Links" tab
4. When publishing articles, enable the option "Add published URLs as Authority Links"
As a result, your first article might not have authority links, your second will have a link from the first, your next will have a link from any of the previous published articles.
When you export only, it does of course not know the URL and can not insert it. If you publish it directly, then it creates the article only and knows the URLs.
The publish function is as fast as it can get as it does not logout now with every new article but tries to stay logged in and only submit.
Merci @Sven
I select all the links and delete them is that right @sven ?