CapMonster - who uses it?
Considering paying the $97 for CapMonster to run secondary to GSA Captcha Breaker.
For those who have used it... will Storm Proxies rotating work?
Are there any other extras other than Storm Proxies and the $97 to buy the pro software?
My VPS won't be powerful enough to use that - been told 32GB RAM is needed.
But is CapMonster good value, for what you pay for?
I assume you use Xevil then, yes?
What spec is your PC/VPS and how many proxies are you using for the Recaptchas (and what sort of proxies)?
I'm thinking it's best to use GSA Captcha Breaker as the primary (as it can also handle more threads), with CapMonster as back up to normal captchas + any recaptchas.
Yeah, that's what I'm doing. Capmonster kicks in if CB can't solve it.
Have you used CapMonster for recaptchas? If so, do rotating proxies work?
1000 recaptchas is $0.60.
I'm using the demo of CapMonster (desktop - on my VPS) and reckon I'll do around 500 an hour on the current setting. So that's $0.60 every 2 hours if I paid for the tokens.
I'm also using semi-dedicated. I have some extremely good rotating proxies (50 threads for $40) but I use them to scrape around 10 million websites a day on Scrapebox. I have tried them for recaptchas and see to do ok - still trying to decipher whether I should use them or the shared ones.
What do you think... I'm using 300 shared proxies for GSA Website Contact (150 threads) and also using the same bunch of shared proxies for Recaptchas (5-10 threads)... just hoping they don't effect eachother, as they're doing 2 jobs at once.
It really shouldn't be a yearly fee for the software either.
Zennolab is a very good provider
I use capmonster cloud and capmonster2
In the cloud proxies are included. In the software you need proxies and you need the sitekey option for 10$/month + licence/year
The solution is very good and emulate a lot of services (but no captcha text)