Sure. As far as I can tell DA and PA are strictly derived from the power of backlinks.
So, if you have a website or page, and you want AUTHORITY, you must have links pointing at the site from other web sites and pages with AUTHORITY.
Where do those sites get their authority? Other sites linking to them. If this sounds like an infinite isn't!
Some metrics sites that provide a "DA" and "PA" have a "seed set" of sites that have authority. But these metrics providers aren't Google and they're just kind of guessing. News sites, .gov, respected journals, that kind of stuff...probably all have inherent authority.
You can get lots of links, each with low authority, using SER. They do add up --to an extent.
You can get high-authority links thru guest blogging, paid links on news sites, etc. and then use SER to backlink those and make the links more worthwhile for your purposes.
Also please know GSA SER really has the sky as its limit. You can create your own engines to do's really not hard...and SEREngines, out of the box, can even post to web 2.0....
SEREngines: Just subscribe! The work is already done for you. Please know that I really haven't even used them since the new revision. What. A Waste. Sven & co. work hard and so you don't have to go nuts!
New engines: You don't even need to understand programming concepts, really. So if you don't know that sort of stuff, don't worry! I don't know so much about the scripting, because while easy, it's just something I haven't done.
Why? I don't know how to find an engine I might need to make. That's for if you find a type of website that you know exists, but GSA SER doesn't already post to. I am weak on specific link types, I admit.
increasing DA PA with gsa ser is the best method I have found out in my internet journeys. It has to be done with a lot of patience of course. Have a long term plan and a strong backlink pyramid.
With gsa ser you can specifically post of contextual/do-follow backlinks that can help you to improve DA /PA in the websites. I think was referring to that by 'contextual blast'