Is there a limit to total number of CAPTCHA tries? Is same proxy used for all tries?
I know some systems have a limit and will lock out a user after x CAPTCHA fails.
But...I also know that this might only affect things if one proxy is used for consecutive solve attempts on fails. Which way does SER handle consecutive solve attempts: same proxy or different?
AND, if same proxy is used, what's the highest number of total tries suggested? I have used various external solvers, and even the ones at the end of the list seem to get used, so it seems having a high number of tries does work.
Will all sites reload a different captcha each time you retry ??
If it does not and load the same captcha then you will have 2 different settings as fasr as i see it =
Setting 1 : machine solving like GSA CB, Xevil, ETC === 0 retries because if it could not solve it the first time it definitely not going to solve the same thing the 2nd or 3rd time.
Setting 2 : human solvers like 2 Captchas and other === maybe 1 - 2 retries