Current best way to get embeds?
Anywhere I want
in Need Help
Hi guys, haven't used gsa for quite a while. I'm knocking the dust off of it for a few reasons, but the biggest one right now is to get more google map and youtube embeds out there.
I looked thru a dozen or so related threads before posting this, most of them were a few years old.
I found two that were relevant and from within the past year I think
So the current best way to add either a gmb iframe or youtube video (or whatever else iframe embed based) is to add the link to the 'video url input' section?
Vs adding the embed code within html of the article or some other method?
Or would I get different results based on the platform being posted to?
Which leads me to my other question. What current platforms should I select that will post embeds? Should I just tick all of the 'contextual' sites?
Thanks yall
Is this the main add url section at the top of the main project section?