Retry to submit to previously failed submitted sites

Hi again, @Sven
I have some private blogs accounts that I imported into SER and wanted to post one article to them. It went as planned except one of the blogs were down because of technical issues.
Some time later I managed to get the site online and I'm waiting to SER to post to this last site as well. It doesn't happen.
I had "Retry to submit to previously failed submitted sites" enabled and set to 10 but after the site went online again I increased the retry to 20. Still nothing happened.
My question is will ever SER post to that last site that was down?
If not and that's because SER has gone through the indicated number of retries and it isn't trying anymore. Would it be possible to add a timer there? There we could set the amount of time must pass between two retries.
I ended up cloning the project and sorting out the things like that so now I have a project that seems to be working. If you need that project backup for some research I can send it for you. My wild guess is that it had a problem with importing the account data from the clipboard but maybe not.
Is there an upper limit for this random time?
Could it be that it ignores the retry settings or the random time you set last time?