download failed is normally a proxy issue. If you are using public proxies get rid of them and buy yourself some private or semi private proxies. You will not regret it.
you don't need that much threads when using private proxies.
your machine and proxies won't handle 1500 threads anymore with privates.
the reason for that is that a thread that is bounded to a dead proxy does exactly nothing more than to wait that the html timer counts down to zero before the thread will be used for another task.
buy 10 proxies for up to 100 threads and 20 if you want to make sure that everything runs smoothly and see how many threads your machine can manage.
edit: i should've read the whole thread . 30 proxies are more than fine.
what i forgot to ask. did this issue occur today with the latest version or did it occur out of nowwhere? if everything worked yesterday than roll back to previous version to see if its working again.
LOL LOL tried private proxies and results are amazing, you have to add to GSA big title that all users have to get private proxies xD I was using gsa ser only with public proxies, now imagine how much backlinks do I lost...
yes I also bring all my lists (verified, succ.,identified) to gscraper, removed duplicate urls, removed low pr and now I got really fast submission only high PR ..I am happy
actually i disabled all proxies and still failing
and tried with even lowering the thread count to 20
i have 50 mbit fiber connection
definitely software bug. they are working via firefox
firefox and software uses same ip
here example
19:11:18: [-] 2576/3205 download failed -
it failed but double click to open at browser and tada works
i dont know but latest version may be the issue
but i am 100% sure that it is software bug
because my own c# 4.5 software validated every one of the urls exists that i have put into campain
and can i disable page rank check ?
i don't want it check pr at all.
if i set 20 threads, the number of failed is low. i just set it to 80 and wow so many failed ones.
but i have 50 mbit fiber and able to fetch results from google with hundreds of threads via my own c# 4.5 softwares.
here the image that clerly explains everything
no proxy enabled and time out set to 120 seconds
and all of these links are verified via my own c# 4.5 software every one of them
even if i set 600 seconds timeout, after 10 seconds it is saying download failed
and at firefox it works perfectly
downloading windows server 2012 to try there
tried private proxies and results are amazing, you have to add to GSA big title that all users have to get private proxies xD I was using gsa ser only with public proxies, now imagine how much backlinks do I lost...
@doubleup no i don't have that