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What Other Tools Your Using along With Great GSA :)



  • @Davbel - I've been using MS for my web 2.0's and other platforms as well. But all of my tiers with MS I've kept within that specific campaign. In other words I havent exported those tier 1 links yet to GSA - I've just created 3 tiers within MS and let it run its course.

    Have you found that by using GSA for tiered submissions to your MS blogs its a better use of your time? Seems like it would be... but I'm in my first month of using GSA so I'm still sorting out how to best apply it.

  • davbeldavbel UK
    edited March 2013
    @gtsurfs I used to do all the tiering with MS campaigns, but only really use it now using the scheduler to create multipost web2.0, Pliggs and some of the other blogs.

    I then export them and set up multi level campaigns within SER, as it's so much easier than trying to do the same with MS.

    Plus it's fair to say the MS does have it's share of bugs - I always had to "manage" my MS multi tier campaigns more than I do with SER

  • @skyf you have to have a group of people that are willing to make the system work. This is it in a nutshell.

    Sign up for TribePro and upgrade. Sign up for OnlyWire and upgrade so you have all the accounts. People in the "Tribe" all auto-syndicate each other. Which means when I post a link in the Tribe it gets posted to my and all the other who auto-syndicate me's OnlyWire accounts. So let's say I have 50 who auto-syndicate me. When I post a link it goes to 51 (50 plus me) OnlyWire blasts. If everyone is upgraded that 51 people with 51 accounts on OnlyWire. Turns into 2601 backlinks all on social networks. They're all legit too. A great way to boost a site/page.

    From some reading I've done it's also something Google won't see as too crazy. You make a new site, it goes viral and gets shared a lot via social media. Then backlinks start pouring in. Makes sense, that's how a true hot topic story acts.
  • I dont know where I heard to that.... but that was some time ago. somer other SEO talked about tribepro... so it must work.
  • @saga great strategy :)

    "If everyone is upgraded that 51 people with 51 accounts on OnlyWire"

    sounds like the trick is to get everyone on board in the tribe
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