GSA SER Daily Maintenance Tasks... What Are Yours?
I have decided to start this thread as I've read thrown away on couple of threads what few of GSA SER kings @LeeGT @ron @Ozz etc are doing on a daily basis such as server restart, cleaning up cache, removing duplicate URL's so I thought it might be helpful to see what you guys are doing on a regular basis to keep everything running smoothly.
So someone who will read this thread thoroughly will get idea how to have smooth running GSA SER together with high links per minute (there is awesome thread for that) setting up quality campaign etc...
And of course that's just one part, maintaining all of it is even more important.
I'm checking few times a day to see if everything is running smoothly on VPS, resetting server once every few days when I see that things are slowing down, manually checking couple of backlinks almost each time when I log onto VPS just to see if everything works as it should and that's about all.
I haven't changed content posted yet and for about few good weeks already and I intend to refresh it during this weekend on most of projects, especially high volume tier links...
And I'm adding projects as soon as I develop new websites and that's about all that I do on a daily basis...
What things do you guys? I thought I've read that someone is cleaning cache? Why? Duplicate URL's from submitted/verified list etc... Do you ever delete even account data on certain project? Is there a point doing so as I thought when project A makes account it will use same account on same website as long as there is project A...?
Well that's about all for now.
Thank you!
I have decided to start this thread as I've read thrown away on couple of threads what few of GSA SER kings @LeeGT @ron @Ozz etc are doing on a daily basis such as server restart, cleaning up cache, removing duplicate URL's so I thought it might be helpful to see what you guys are doing on a regular basis to keep everything running smoothly.

So someone who will read this thread thoroughly will get idea how to have smooth running GSA SER together with high links per minute (there is awesome thread for that) setting up quality campaign etc...
And of course that's just one part, maintaining all of it is even more important.
I'm checking few times a day to see if everything is running smoothly on VPS, resetting server once every few days when I see that things are slowing down, manually checking couple of backlinks almost each time when I log onto VPS just to see if everything works as it should and that's about all.
I haven't changed content posted yet and for about few good weeks already and I intend to refresh it during this weekend on most of projects, especially high volume tier links...
And I'm adding projects as soon as I develop new websites and that's about all that I do on a daily basis...
What things do you guys? I thought I've read that someone is cleaning cache? Why? Duplicate URL's from submitted/verified list etc... Do you ever delete even account data on certain project? Is there a point doing so as I thought when project A makes account it will use same account on same website as long as there is project A...?
Well that's about all for now.

Thank you!
check hotmail accounts for mails that got into spam though @ rule is there...
check daily for working, CB, CS3x and SER
reverify 2-5 days.
insert URLs I scrape with Gscraper........
checking with ahrefs......
I HATE computer restarts........ I even leave my mac mini runnig at night
I am not looking at the LPM at the moments.. thats like 12 year olds comparing their penis.
backup all before doing updates
I something goes slow, I delte the url history
Start of every run,
Check private proxies work
Clear duplicate urls from the two site lists I use. I use submitted and verified lists and no others
Do any updates to ser and cb
Decide which version of my edited engine files to use after the update
One is set to speed up verified lists killing and has a lot more footprints
The other has my highly top secret method of pulling in more results that people over look if they alter the engines files
Reboot vps
This just seems to make the updates works better and clear the cache memory on my vps
If submissions drop the way they had been, clear target url cache on all projects
Make any changes I want to test over the following day. This can make a late one. 3am on a bad day
From time to time, clear down the site lists. Kill the contents of the folders, then repopulate from the tools in the advanced menu
Since @LeeGalready chimed in on how he keeps SER trim and functioning better, I will address things people can do that will help create better results:
1) Re-Verify Tier 1 links often.
Understand that all the link building you do on Tier 2, Tier 3 and below *depends* on whether you have valid, living, Tier 1 links. Verify them before you update SER, which is almost every day. It doesn't take long.
All tiers flow up to your Tier 1, and then your moneysite. If your Tier 1 links are either dead or removed, you have lost all links underneath that are pointing to it - they are worthless.
Many of us have asked @sven to automate this, including me. But think about can only re-verify links if those projects are inactive . So we must do it ourselves - not Sven.
2) Determine which engines make links.
@LeeG got me going on this, and now I can't stop. There are 16 Platforms (Blogs, Article Directories, Social Networks, etc.)
Within each platform there are multiple engines. Engines power the websites you post to. They are not equal:
Take a look at all of your submitted links, and all of your verified links. Understand which engines generate zero links or just a few links, and uncheck them. You are wasting valuable resources scraping targets that will never give you a link.
3) Set verification on Tiers 2, 3, 4, etc. to a large number
I have Tier1 on 'Automatic 1440'. I have tiers 2,3 4... on 'Custom 5000'. You don't want SER spending too much time each day verifying links, especially lower tiers. It takes away from link building.
Hope that helps...
I normally stop and reboot my vps at midnight
But, at present thats been causing a lot of problems
SER goes into mass verification mode and then hangs towards the end on importing site lists
Trust me, I have tried everything to try and stop the hangs
Then you need to stop ser via the resource monitor and it will run the rest of the day without any problems
At present my LpM is showing 14.3, in the last 40 minutes since restart, I have done over 12k submissions
What I might try doing the next time is just stopping and restarting without the reboot
1: Stop project
2: Verify all links
3: Start project (verify only)
Does this remove the dead links, or do I have to do this?
How do I find what engines I should not bother with etc?
Thought it would be OK to ask how something is done when it relates to the topic.
1) Re-Verify Tier 1 links often.
Understand that all the link building you do on Tier 2, Tier 3 and below *depends*
on whether you have valid, living, Tier 1 links. Verify them before you
update SER, which is almost every day. It doesn't take long.
All tiers flow up to your Tier 1, and then your moneysite. If your Tier 1 links are either dead or removed, you have lost all links underneath that are pointing to it - they are worthless.
Many of us have asked @sven
"to automate this, including me. But think about can only
re-verify links if those projects are inactive . So we must do it
ourselves - not Sven.
i think this can be done with the new option ->
options > when to verify > "also re-verify existing backlinks"
and enable for all T1 (i would think it's just as important to enable it for all contextual tiers except for the last)
You can do it with the new option that @sven has provided.
I really wouldn't recommend using it on anything other than T1 properties. Every new gizmo you have SER do, it will slow down linkbuilding.
You can easily do all other projects together, with one click of the mouse, whenever you want.
...and have all of these sent to inbox as well. This covers almost all the subject lines we get in confirmation emails.