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Which HTML codes are supported to be converted wiki and bbcode

edited February 2013 in Need Help
Hello. I am a new member. Watched tutorial videos

What i wonder is which html codes can be converted to the bbcode and mediawiki code ?

thank you


  • SvenSven

    mediawiki: <img> , <a>, <br>, (<p> is converted to <br>).

    bbcode: everything that the engine can do (see ini files "bbs supports").

    Basically you don't have to worry about this at all...just write a normal html formated article, the program converts it to the required format.

  • edited February 2013
    i see that it does not support list - html list for media wiki





    are there anywhere full list ?

    also how does it handle img tag ? mediawiki sites not support igm as far as i know
  • SvenSven
    see the engines.ini please
  • double click "MediaWiki" to open the .ini file in your "platform selection" window.
  • 1 more question
    does it handle new lines ?
    i mean should we put br or new lines (\r\n) are handled automatically ?
  • SvenSven
    new lines are automatically transformed into <br> or any other thing if needed.
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