Hi, I was thinking about more filters while sorting massive backlinks. Moz metrics is not good enough. I think adding domaindetailer API is a good idea ?
@Sven Not sure about him (the OP) but domain detailer is cheap as hell than moz. I have been using it for some time and would be great if you can add to GSA PI.
@Sven no, I'm definitely a user, I got nothing to do with domdetailer. I just need more metrics to define good backlinks. I think adding domdetailer API will save a lot of money.
@s4nt0s Thank you so much, I think by adding this service will make GSA PI the most powerful backlinks identifier and I really need it. It saves tons of work and I don't need to use another identifying tools anymore
Not sure about him (the OP) but domain detailer is cheap as hell than moz. I have been using it for some time and would be great if you can add to GSA PI.
no, I'm definitely a user, I got nothing to do with domdetailer. I just need more metrics to define good backlinks. I think adding domdetailer API will save a lot of money.
Thank you so much, I think by adding this service will make GSA PI the most powerful backlinks identifier and I really need it. It saves tons of work and I don't need to use another identifying tools anymore
I've sent my api key to your inbox. thank you
thanks, Will you add more filters like majestic TF , CF ( root domain ), CF / TF ratio and Majestic referring domains. ?