txt files and sl files - and lists in txt format, how to upload?
im totally new to this - i've bought a list from seorocket and they provide some files in .txt files - for example, I only want to upload the forum links for one project - how do I do that with a .txt file?
The software is so confusing - i hardly have made 100 links total, even using lists only (with search engine disabled) and feel like im not getting anywhere.
I have 50 private proxy's - with 5 catch all emails which I constantly change.
Please help with anything above.
im totally new to this - i've bought a list from seorocket and they provide some files in .txt files - for example, I only want to upload the forum links for one project - how do I do that with a .txt file?
The software is so confusing - i hardly have made 100 links total, even using lists only (with search engine disabled) and feel like im not getting anywhere.
I have 50 private proxy's - with 5 catch all emails which I constantly change.
Please help with anything above.
I want to run a seperate .edu adn gov links project using a verified list while my other projects run
There are multiple ways to do. You can import directly to ser by importing all texts to the global list(failed, verified etc) and read inside project by enabling global list.
.sl file is just a zip file. So if you create a zip and change to .sl it converts to .sl.
If you watch and follow all the youtube videos which shared in this forum you can easily learn everything you want.It's not hard as you think.