The [login_step*] seems to execute without waiting for the verification of registration being done, which causes a lot of "login failed/awaiting account verification" errors in Drupal engine, is there a specific variable to control when the [login_step*] being executed?
Hi @Sven, it seems that the value of "front","back" variable doesn't accept variable... I want to extract first folder from a given URL as following: ---- Original url: I need to exact the first folder's name "subfolder" in this case.
Thanks for your quick reply, it worked, however, I am a little confused about the snippet: 1). What exactly does the "input" variable mean? I can't find any info in the script document. 2). Are the "front1", "front2".... similar with the "AND" operator, which mean ALL the conditions that specified in "front1", "front2"... should meet during the extraction?
1) by default "input" is the content of the last downloaded/submitted webpage or if you specified url=... that content. If you specify something else with "input" it is using that.
2. front1 must be found and then front2, front3 and so on. If one does not match, it will fail. If you want to match with OR, you can use front1=variation1|variation2|...
Hi Sven, is it possible to add a particular step to handle the situation of un-successful submission? it will be very helpful to log those sites and check them manually... for example, a step like: -------- [Unsuccessful_Submission_step1] write file=c:\failed_sitelist.txt -------- This step will be executed when the submission was detected as either failure or unknow status.
Alternatively, if there is a way to save the sites with failure or unknow submission status, that will be fine. Please advise.
Thanks for your tips, I get it work partly, the only problem is "modify step condition" doesn't seem to accept the regular expression, which means I can't use "!" symbol to exclude the conditions, for example: ----- submit success=Regardez dans votre courrier pour activer votre compte|Inregistrare completa!|Sign Up Complete!|You have successfully created your account!|To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.|/members/%login%/|/members-2/%login%|>Log Out<|/my-profile/">My Profile<|egistro completado!|Rejestracja (krok 2 z 3)|Registration complete. You may now log in.|Comprueba tu correo para activar tu cuenta|Hai creato con successo il tuo account ------- Those are the string for a successful submission, how to exclude them in the "modify step condition". I can't seem to use: -------- modify step condition1=!Regardez dans votre courrier pour activer votre compte modify step condition2=!Inregistrare completa! .... --------
hmm there is no condition1,2...just one string "modify step condition" and you can e.g. switch it's behaviour when you modify the step once it matches and then jumps to the part where to continue the submission, else write error and jump to somewhere else
I know how the modify step works, the problem is the condition, how to use a condition like the page DOES NOT have the string "Regardez dans votre courrier pour activer votre compte"?
It's impossible to enumerate all the possibilities since I want to track all the unsuccessful submissions including unknown status submission... Is it possible to add the regular expression supporting for the "modify step condition" in the near future? that will be really helpful. Thanks.
Hi Sven, how to import/export the account data with PR field? currently it seems the PR value is not able to save into the account data, I will need the format like: --------|PR ------- Then I can resuse those accounts in different tier projects with PR filter enabled. Please advise how can i do this. Thanks.
Hi Sven, how to deal with the Buddypress site with Recaptcha/text captcha enabled in its login page? I think we need to modify the script in order to make it work(2cpatcha is enabled)? if so, how exactly to do that? Please advise, I attached a sample site here.
Hi Sven, how to skip the entire [Login_Step*] after registration submission was successful, I found some sites don't need to verify or login in order to post an article after I registered an account, I tried the "submit success skip verify=> My Profile<", and "try to continue without verification=1", SER still goes to the [Login_step1] Any tips?
Hi Sven, another question for you.. 1). How to handle a page with different forms that matches the same "form url" condition, the two forms have different "form name" and "form ID", but It seems SER use the "form URL" to search the forms, and use the first found one... Is it possible to assign the priority for the "form name/form ID/form URL" when searching a form? Ideally, SER should search "form name" first, then "form ID", then "form URL" to locate a form. Please advise.
gnr: it means that this variable is filled by searching on the downloaded page for "front" and it cuts all off defined in "back". If nothing is found, it is set to empty.
1) SER uses all of it, "form url", "form id" "form name" and even "form class". If all match, it is best, but not everything has to match. You can define multiple masks on it using "|". The first gets you a better ranking than later masks.
"try to continue without verification"
I want to extract first folder from a given URL as following:
Original url:
I need to exact the first folder's name "subfolder" in this case.
The script doesn't work, please advise, thanks.
1). What exactly does the "input" variable mean? I can't find any info in the script document.
2). Are the "front1", "front2".... similar with the "AND" operator, which mean ALL the conditions that specified in "front1", "front2"... should meet during the extraction?
Thanks again.
docu was updated as well.
write file=c:\failed_sitelist.txt
This step will be executed when the submission was detected as either failure or unknow status.
Alternatively, if there is a way to save the sites with failure or unknow submission status, that will be fine.
Please advise.
submit success=Regardez dans votre courrier pour activer votre compte|Inregistrare completa!|Sign Up Complete!|You have successfully created your account!|To begin using this site you will need to activate your account via the email we have just sent to your address.|/members/%login%/|/members-2/%login%|>Log Out<|/my-profile/">My Profile<|egistro completado!|Rejestracja (krok 2 z 3)|Registration complete. You may now log in.|Comprueba tu correo para activar tu cuenta|Hai creato con successo il tuo account
Those are the string for a successful submission, how to exclude them in the "modify step condition".
I can't seem to use:
modify step condition1=!Regardez dans votre courrier pour activer votre compte
modify step condition2=!Inregistrare completa!
Please advise.
Is it possible to add the regular expression supporting for the "modify step condition" in the near future? that will be really helpful.
Then I can resuse those accounts in different tier projects with PR filter enabled.
Please advise how can i do this.
the format would be
Please advise, I attached a sample site here.
Any tips?
Is it possible show me a sample of URL/site which the value of variable is not empty?
1). How to handle a page with different forms that matches the same "form url" condition, the two forms have different "form name" and "form ID", but It seems SER use the "form URL" to search the forms, and use the first found one...
Is it possible to assign the priority for the "form name/form ID/form URL" when searching a form?
Ideally, SER should search "form name" first, then "form ID", then "form URL" to locate a form.
Please advise.
1) SER uses all of it, "form url", "form id" "form name" and even "form class". If all match, it is best, but not everything has to match. You can define multiple masks on it using "|". The first gets you a better ranking than later masks.