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How does GSA Choose Which Sites to Post to?

edited September 2012 in Need Help
Hi I've been trying to tweak GSA Search Engine Ranker recently and was wondering how does GSA choose which sites to post to, is it via the Keyword section?

Also I'm running 5 different campaigns, 1 of my campaigns has only verified 2 links in the past 9 hours, is there a way I can improve this? it's been running for nearly 5 weeks now and has 1802 verified links, so obviously it's run out of places to post to? how can I set it up to search other places?


  • OzzOzz
    edited September 2012
    how many keywords that campaign has? how many SEs you selected? did you check if your emails are black listed?

    edit: you can try to combine these words to your existing keywords. merging your keywords with that list is easy with scrapebox. notepad++ can do it also, but for that you have to search for a tutorial in the web (hint: you can record macros if nothing helps).

    edit2: if you have scrapebox you can expand your keyword-list, too.
  • Hi Ozz

    Keywords = around 300
    SE's = 57
    Email = Not blacklisted I change it every week or once it's been blacklisted by a few sites.

    do I need to add more than 300 keywords?

    Let me know what you thinks thanks for your time.
  • OzzOzz
    edited September 2012
    300 is not that much. try to add way more keywords if you want to find new target urls. use google keyword tool, scrapebox or some other keyword tool for this. be creative. think out of the box.
  • Thanks Ozz I'll add more keywords more the better I'm guessing thanks again.
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