List Of Added Link Lists
We have a lot of link lists and when doing submissions we add random lists but it can often happen that we end up adding the same list. It would be a nice feature to see some how the name and location of the added lists so that they are not added again or give a warning when a certain file from x location with the same file size as an example has been used previously on a project.
With a feature telling you what link list you added to what project, there is no issues or if it says already added, then can select another list. A warning may make the process easier. Yes, can add all your lists, but in live usage, you have all those link lists loaded. There is only so much resources on a system and can't put all lists in all projects. As you add a list to a project, remember more of the hard drive space gets used up, so not feasible to add 2GB of data for each project to run through and wait for that all to load. Hope this makes sense. If you use GSA anywhere near capacity or in a correct SEO way rather than just spam everything think it makes more sense people only doing few blasts might not notice.
I sure do.
I appreciate can go through adding global site list, but that's not what I am looking for.
All in all, just putting a suggestion for a feature that @Sven could add that makes the software more comprehensive for SEO use.