Ranking Web2.0 property with SER ONLY [Mid-Hard Keyword]
in Need Help
Hi, Guys
I've testing 10 different link pyramid template to rank 10 different subdomain.web20.com site.

-> Every ready to rank web2.0s have 10 keyword related light spun articles.
-> Subdomain of these web2.0s are LSI keyword
-> Due to the low success rate of SER's web2.0s, I create 7+ web2.0 posts with turboweb
-> All SER project have no OBL limit, PR limit and no submit limit.
Please give me some advises,
Link Pyramid#1

Link Pyramid#2

LinkPyramid#3-> 7 tired contextual <- non-contextual Burn & Churn







Things I want to learn from the test,
1. Dose "Link Template" matter?
2. How many links I have to build to rank a web2.0s?
3. If SER can rank a web2.0 from nothing, which link template work most efficient?
4. Any other link template to test?
on a real note, I don't see a problem with the way you're doing things already, if you're not going to be using PBNs for the benefit of boosting trust then you'll just need to continue building tiers and eventually you'll win.
good luck!