What to do about Web 2.0?
Ser is not building web2.0 links for me apart from the odd link from the same site. I think I may de select it but it's a shame - I would love to build links from web 2.0!!! Is there a plan to fix this problem? (I know there's a 3rd party paid service coming out soon from Jamese btw)
Dup post sorry.
I had a bunch of platforms in the beginning but I weaned myself off paid captcha for the last several months using only CSX and now only CB.
But I am getting ready to fire up a bunch of separate projects to test each platform including social bookmarks to get a better idea where everything is at these days.
It's the kind of thing you only want to do on tier1 though because of the cost.
I have been experiementing and I recommend separating out test projects by platform (with just a few engines in that platform at one time), and put some tough limits on the number of submissions, like 5 or 10.
You don't want to wreck the bank - you will get excellent rankings without resorting to paid captcha, so ease into it and test. You have time, just don't rush to judgement.
Better still hire a VA... best investment for link building and highly recommended over any tool.