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Getting links in article body

edited February 2013 in Need Help
i just loaded the GSA template from ACW, although I am not sure if any links will be placed into the article when posting, i did not manually put any in, does the program do that automatically? or do i have to put some placeholder somewhere?

Also is there a bookmark module? i dont see that as an option of where to submit to.


  • ronron
    edited February 2013

    I haven't even used the template yet. All I do is run the scraper with one contextual link.

    What I do is put in a placeholder link in KM. Something like "httx://" and "bing" as the anchor text. Then run the scraper. Paste the article spintax into Notepad++ and globally replace:

    <a href="httx://">bing</a>

    with the GSA token:

    <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

    You should get something like 20-25 replaced. Then you are good to go.

  • ok thanks, I am currently using ACW, so I guess the best is to just find a place in the spun article and put the link place holder? Wasn't sure if there was an option for doing that in ACW. 

    For the test project I set up I put the anchors in the URL field,{spin1|spin2} as such and left the anchor field blank, what is the token to pull when it is set up like that? 

    Sorry for all the basic type questions, just trying to figure this software out and work my way through it, it can be quite overwhelming at first.
  • ronron

    Sorry about flipping over to KM when you said ACW. You should hit up collywobbles over in this thread:

  • nice, thanks for the thread ron
  • Woow thanks for that tip @ron smart move. i believe every content creator software do that. or should. 
  • ronron
    edited February 2013

    @rodol - Glad you got what I was saying. I think they should allow us to insert our own token in KM. Maybe there's some hidden way to do it I don't know about. But in the meantime, that method works great.

    Edit: All you do in KM is put in %url% in the URL column and %anchor_text% in keyword column. Way too easy. That's why I didn't get it :)

    (Thanks to @Tommy99 for pointing this out to me!)

  • Yes, it's possible in ACW. You can use the link directly on the links dialog

    <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

    No need to edit anything afterwards, the macros are retained in the articles/template

  • even if i have my project set up like above, where the anchors are spin in the URL field?
  • clear all that out and just put <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>
  • <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>  I put this in the article body in ACW right?

    Will that still work in SER if my URL field is as such: #{spin1|spin2} instead of putting my keywords down in the Anchor field?
  • No, under Options tab click the links button, then paste

    <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a>

    Then on the Content tab you can set the number of links eg 2 to insert this link twice randomly.
  • Hey Colly  I updated ACW and now I cant find where the option is to export as a GSA template
  • ronron

    Just a quick update for misstating something on KM. Yes, you can put the <a href="%url%">%anchor_text%</a> token in KM.

    All you do in KM is put in %url% in the URL column and %anchor_text% in keyword column. Way too easy. That's why I didn't get it :)

    Thanks to @Tommy99 for pointing this out to me!

    (I fixed my earlier post.)


  • @darthbis you have to generate a spun article (using sentence or word spin or both) in order to be able to save as a template
  • aaahhh thanks Colly that worked!
  • It's it possible to randomize placement of the anchor/link within the article?

    For example, spin 1 gets the link in the first paragraph, spin 2 gets the link in the 4th paragraph, etc...
  • I think it automatically does that, but don't quote me on that.
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm the new guy here so take it easy on me. Just a quick question. I hand spun an article and imported it into GSA but my contextual links are showing up in test mode at about 15-25%. Just wanted to know is it better to put them in the body of the article or in the fields.I'm thinking they will automatically show up in the body when I put them into the fields or am I wrong.

    Thanks in advance guys!!!
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