What links should i use for tier 2-3 for facebook parasite???
So for example i blast the facebook page with 3-4k backlinks but with what links should i do tier 2 and tier 3? with the same list? or is recommended to use a new list for each Tier.
Please explain me why (I know that tier 2 and 3 are mostly for helping the tier 1 backlinks index better/faster so that's why we spam with the same link list, is that right?)
But if i spam tier 2 with another link list and then 3 with another link list as well it will help index + ranking much better?
Most people building tiers are doing something like this:
Tier 1 - Contextual links, which are created on a new page and thus not indexed
Tier 2 - Non-contextual links, which are typically not created on a new page and should already be indexed
So even if you're using the same list, you'll likely be using different platforms and different domains within the list for the two tiers anyway.
I usually use a ton of links on parasites, way more than 10k. But just test this out for yourself, and test out doing 1k links with a 9k tier 2. See what works and adjust accordingly.
I only use 2 tiers. Pretty much what @redrays stated in his comment.