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What is the best approach for this scenario

edited February 2013 in Need Help
I have 400 websites in hotel reservation niche. Every website target a city or a landmark in a city.

How I should do to create links to them>

To create 400 projects or 1 project with all urls?

I would like to create 300 links/month for every website for 1 year

Thanks in advance


  • I think that you should create 400 project witch 400 other anchor text, e.g
    a) http://hotel-reservation/los-angeles -> anchor text {los angeles hotels|cheap los angeles hotel...}
    b) http://hotel-reservation/warsaw ->anchor text {cheap hotels warsaw|hotel warsaw|hotels warsaw...}
  • OzzOzz
    edited February 2013
    if you want to keep your campaign more general and simple than use 1 project with 400 urls with

    if you want to create more specific campaigns with specific articles for each city for example than do 400 projects.

  • ronron

    One of the problems you will have if you do one project is you will not be able to tailor the content for each particular city. So there will be no mention of that matching city in each article.

    So you will end up having to use generic articles. Of course you will be able to specify custom anchors for each URL, which is the most important element.

    That is a tough project because you either compromise a bit on the article context (but save yourself a ton of time), or you have to repeat the project 400 times and line up 400 spun articles that mention that city. Gulp! I think I would do one project. 

  • thank you to all
    I think I will do a test starting with 20 websites, 10 websites in one project and 10 websites every with a separate project.

    I would like to see which one deliver ranking results. I know there are too many ranking factors implicated to do a such comparation but just to see how is going.

  • You could set up the monster project with them all in to get started with links and then set up individual projects at the same time.  As you set the individuals up (either winners or strugglers) you could then take them out of the main project.

    At least whilst you were fiddling, you would be getting some links and probably at a nice trickle...

    Setting 400 up would be a chore but slowly slowly catchy monkeeeee!  :(|)
  • AlexRAlexR Cape Town
    This is a good question. It deals with scalability which hasn't really been addressed. I remember reading somewhere about a guy who needed 800 projects off the start. 

    He created an app that created the .prj files and set it to prepare everything, then loaded them into the SER folder and all was good to go. Don't know too much more about it. 
  • do you have his nick?
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