What is the best approach for this scenario
I have 400 websites in hotel reservation niche. Every website target a city or a landmark in a city.
How I should do to create links to them>
To create 400 projects or 1 project with all urls?
I would like to create 300 links/month for every website for 1 year
Thanks in advance
b) http://hotel-reservation/warsaw ->anchor text {cheap hotels warsaw|hotel warsaw|hotels warsaw...}
One of the problems you will have if you do one project is you will not be able to tailor the content for each particular city. So there will be no mention of that matching city in each article.
So you will end up having to use generic articles. Of course you will be able to specify custom anchors for each URL, which is the most important element.
That is a tough project because you either compromise a bit on the article context (but save yourself a ton of time), or you have to repeat the project 400 times and line up 400 spun articles that mention that city. Gulp! I think I would do one project.