I get the problem this morning, So i close indexer, gsa redirect, team viewer, remove for a while all caotcha service for a moment, cb server and the error stop. I think one of the service using the same ip.
I think is antigate that give the error - yes when i remove antigate its works like a charm
Thought that I would update this thread about the problems I was having. Since I moved to a new server and re-installed the original version I got when I purchased PRJacker, everything seems to be working as it should.
It has NOT been working for days on using metrics for DA.. TF metrics still seems to be working. I know the product owner has been notified, but there hasnt been any replies..
I rarely comment on this forum, but prjacker screwing up on me and the owner not responding has me very frustrated! @sven you would make my year if we can get it implemented straight into gsa!
well I will check if thats possible but the MOZ team is about to make trouble if there API is not added correctly 1:1 as they want. So I have to evaluate this carefully now.
I know the product owner has been notified, but there hasnt been any replies..