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FCS 2.0's as Tier 1

I have some FCS Networker sites for my Tier 1.  Should I use SER on those links to pass juice to my money site by just using those verified links?



  • Tim89Tim89
  • Thanks Tim89!
  • I wonder how FCS is working for you guys. I have two full time license with them but the quality and success rates went down to an intolerable level. Sent them lots of support requests but nothing received.
  • So far FCS is still working for me, but to a slightly lesser success rate. I am doing more PBN work than ever before. I guess that makes sense as those are the highest quality for link juice. But to answer your question, yes, use SER to support the FCS links
  • kach_1kach_1 c
    edited December 2015
    How many web 2.0 with FCS is enough to start- 50? Does that web 2.0 account have to have some relevant content first or you build posts on fresh new web 2.0 accounts and than spam them with gsa verified links?
  • shaunshaun
    kach_1 FCS Networker is dead mate, their account creator fails on so many URLs now. Try Ranker X it is a much better Web 2.0 solution.

    Fresh new web 2.0 tend to be fine provided you put niche related content on them, I use auto generated content from Kontent machine on them and they have a pretty good stick rate.

    For you T2 and T3 you will have to test a few things, I do spam my Web 2 with SER but I do not mass spam them meaning I only build 20-30 links to each one per day.
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