Settings used to get CaptchaBreaker working on other Programs
I'm trying to write a manual now adding all programs where CaptchaBreaker is working with what settings.
As I don't own any other SEO programs but those who I coded, I need your help to describe what you did to integrate CaptchaBreaker into the other program. In detail I need:
- What options you have chosen in the other program
- What options did you choose in CaptchaBreaker
- Make screenshots to easily understand what to click (make sure you clear out sensitive data)
This would be a huge help. Thanks
Off-topic suggestion
(Sometimes i get an ip of 12 digit long. So the ip logging script on your website should be edited to log 12 digit ip's as well and not just 10 digit ip's)
@Ozz pointed out that CaptchaBreaker + FireFox is possible in this thread (just a note for myself when making the docu).
To use it with Ultimate Demon you need to use bypasscaptcha emulation. I don't have UD so I don't have any images though.