Extract data from GoogleMaps and us it in the project
I'm working to add new engine to GSA, and I need to get coordinates from Goole Maps
How to get Location Lat and Lat and put them two different variables?
I have something like this
front="location" : {
Help me please
you can save that whole content in one variable and use it with "input=%url_content%" where
it takes the first address_component data...always the first match that you define with front/back.
In the end it's simple. You just load this into notepad and do the search with front1 and continue on first appering with front2. Spaces and new line chars are cut from the result.
Hmm thats hard as the unique identifier comes after the stuff you want to extract.
Even though you are using %part1% as input, SER will fill it with content of part2 or part3 if not matching.