Quick Question

Question nr.1
When GSA is saving our account data? I know something must match to save the account - like register success or login success? What is it exactly?
Question nr.2
When running write file= in debug mode, nothing is saved, if i use %login% %password% - account data must be saved first in order to write to file?
EDIT: Even when running normal project, write file= is not working, cant reproduce beacuse was working in other cases, any tips to make sure its not my error? I want to save all account data after registration step so
all the things
write file=“C:\accounts_Debug.txt” “%targethost%;%login%;%password%”
When GSA is saving our account data? I know something must match to save the account - like register success or login success? What is it exactly?
Question nr.2
When running write file= in debug mode, nothing is saved, if i use %login% %password% - account data must be saved first in order to write to file?
EDIT: Even when running normal project, write file= is not working, cant reproduce beacuse was working in other cases, any tips to make sure its not my error? I want to save all account data after registration step so
all the things
write file=“C:\accounts_Debug.txt” “%targethost%;%login%;%password%”
1. accounts are saved if an engine can create an account. The submit success message in REGISTER_STEP1 section must match of the engine allows you to continue with an unknown submission status
However accounts are removed again if the no login could be done later on or the submission failed after login
2. Your " are wrong. You have to use normal double quotes.
Example: write file=“C:\temp\accounts.txt” “%targeturl%;%login%;%password%”
Got another question, i want to write to file only if my variable is not empty.
my variable is type=extract - url to my article
if the submission fails, my variable is empty, - it breaks my other projects beacuse they use #file_links from that file, is there workaround?
verify url=%my_variable%
even static=1 is not solving the problem
I came with workaround
just download=1
write file= %targeturl%
But looks like %targeturl% is wrong here %targetpath%~~ aswell, i cant save my article id somehow any ideas?
url is saved using EXTRA_STEP now question how to not write to file if variable is empty?
so much hassle, it can be easier if we could set anchor text to an article (like in first line or %%anchor_article=)
(that will be later saved in verified list with url where this article was submitted)
sorry but I don't get all your issues here really. So much about EDIT here and there and in the end I have no idea what problem you have.
The docu is correct and the syntax you wrote above had a different double quote than the normal ".
Anyway, make sure you write to a path where SER has rights to save things. IF you need your URL and not the target url, then simply write %url% ?
First of all ill explain how verify works.
Using this macro in step1 or step2 is not working, ( looks like article_urlid variable is empty ).
Workaround is:
1. verified domains amount is lowered dramatically (from 700 to 400 using saved accounts)
2. links to login / dashboard are saved when posting failed. (instead of article url.)
What i want to achieve.
i want to "write to file" my "article url" or "verify url" (that is 100% correct in my verified list) only if:
verification was successfull, (link was found)
Why this is important for me? I am using #file_links macro for these urls later.
Why i cant use urls from verified list from the project?
The answer is simple, beacuse i am not using anchor text. I need the anchor text to be article title.
write file="C:\x.txt" "%article_urlid%#%Article_title%\n"
anchor text=%Article_title%
So the question is how to save %article_title% as anchor text for my verified url automatically ?
well because I don't understand it again. Sorry, might be my lack of English understanding. Anyway youc an save to a file anything you want...even %article_title% but the problem is that this can only happen on submission, not on verification.
I want to get my article title as anchor text in verified list.
So if i submit to www.domain2.com article with title Best Article Title i get verified url www.domain2.com/myarticle23.html
Now i need that to appear in my verified list in SER. Or in text file format www.domain2.com/myarticle23.html#Best Article Title
write file="c:\temp\list" "%url%#%article_title%"
would do the job...but again only on submission, not on verification.
Is it possible to add new feature in GSA that will allow to save article title as anchor text (or any other macro?) for urls in verified list?
What i meant was option "article title is anchor". So as result we could see in our verified list:
anchor: %article_title%