what I am doing wrong?
i started my campain 17 days ago, first 3-9 days my site fast higher and in 10 day stopped on 16 position in serp rank. My campain have 4 tiers:

Tier1: 30 verif/day, PR3+, out <50 (im created 400 words article and spin TBS) [engines: articles only, dofollow]
Tier2: 333 verif/day, PR1+, out <100 (Use wac 200 articles + spin)
Tier3: 1111 verif/day, PR1+, out <150 (Use wac 200 articles + spin)
Tier4: 3333 verif/day, PR0+, out <150 (Use wac 200 articles + spin)
Screenshot from majestic rank: (my site have number #16)

ahrefs stats:

I do not know why I can't skip site on twitter and facebook. Look to site number 1, two backlinks, one time use this anchor text. Only have daily updated this same spam text and rank is #1
I don't know, maybe change link tactics to spam tier 1? or maybe add everyday new post to my site?
sorry for english. thanks for the advice
If you are noticing alot of dancing with your rankings and you are using an indexing service, then increase the drip feeding value, this should decrease bouncing.
Make sure you're using a variation of anchors for your tier 1 project.
Your method is good, you manipulate serp, but to aggressive for that niche.
How many proxies you used ?
Thank you @Mevi100 cause you are so open.