Do I need to index the GSA URL redirect links?
URL redirecd software produces 1000s of links seamlessly and it eats my indexification account really fast. Do I really need to index those links for google to get them indexed?
also, how do i use the keywords option while using a url list? whenever i upload a url list and press start, the keyword slot is getting empty
In reality indexing methods vary, not all methods leave footprints, I'd recommend asking the service provider if youre on the fence.
I'd recommend having your redirects crawled at least, once they have been crawled they should carry weight onto the referred domain.
For an SEO that doesn't believe in actively trying to index their links is a moron, even if it means you are doing this in house by building tiers or by pinging urls or having a service to do it for them, everyone will benefit by indexing the links you build otherwise it's pointless building links.
Regardless of your chosen method it works better.
Have done tests side by side with and without, links indexed by a good service always get found at a better rate and provide better ranking than the non-indexed links ever do. This is for squeaky clean white hat and up!
Express Indexer which has 1 Million a month package which rolls over month to month- I like this approach, it seems fair and worth the price. Wish I could do that with WordAi ;-)
"An unindexed backlink is a waste of fucking time"
- JudderMan
God I wish it was as easy as just hammering everything with new miscellaneous links!
Ahhh, the good ole days
I'm sure next year will be another new frontier as well.
Rock N' Roll while it Rock N' Rolls !!!
Just let him be, let him pollute the forums with "yes you can still rank just fine with spam" yes I agree, if you're trying to sell buttplugs for Amazon, as you do and you're going for really low competitive terms, congrats.
"It all depends on your end goal" - IdentifiedURLs
Isn't all our end goals the same? Ranking 1 and staying there? Duuuur
The methods you preach are pointless for longevity.
The lists you sell are pure shit, you don't even verify them, you're actually selling dogpoo you do realise this, right?
I feel sorry for the people that waste their money on these forums by buying your identified lists, I really do.
This isn't about egos or hatred toward anyone, if I saw any newb coming on here trying to blind people with shitty BHW type link building methods and useless screenshots on how to set these campaigns up, which is basically rehashed stuff from other members, pretending to actually give a shit about these new comers and then try to sell them dogshit on top of that, that's low and I will make a point of it.
As I said in previous comments, you want to buy lists? That's totally up to you BUT at least buy a verified one. Not like @IdentifiedURLs reject lists'.
I don't listen to @IdentifiedURLs's bullshit and couldn't care less about his theories on indexing, at the end of the day, he is a retard that thinks he can bank on selling identified urls and he obviously has no imagination but to self promote his business by using it as his nick name too!
I'm an SEO at heart, you're a leech.
I have several businesses that earns me my income, you obviously don't, if you stoop this low and try to sell identified lists.
Anyway, you can have little pops at me and my business all you want, it doesn't change the fact you're a shitter, you can register new forum accounts and build them up just to say my service is shit but then you're the one wasting a lot of time and quite frankly a bit psychotic but hey, you're probably on the doll, yes.. Selling those identified lists all the way to the signing on office.
Ciao for now!
Not really sure why my nick being my service is such a crime, you have your service name right next to your nick. Kettle calling the pot black much?
Also, you love to erase and delete your post when proving wrong and I have pointed this out in another thread. So much so, that I made my last 2 responses to you after the hour editing time had past just to prove you wrong so you wouldn't erase it.
I doubt you rank anything in SEO yourself, so keep pushing those "indexing" services that leave a footprint so you can steal people's verified links that you can later use for yourself.
Several other people have already pointed out to me in private that when you launched your indexer service you jumped into other people's convos about indexing and bashed competitors just to promote yourself. You're nothing but a worthless troll, every forum should have them and I delight each time you post so I can have a good laugh to start my day with idiots like yourself.
You admit you have a terrible time with your stick rates on links and battle huge amounts of link loss ( 40-70% ) here:, maybe that's because of the indexing you do that I said leaves a footprint? Seems like if you have done SEO for a while, you would know what the reliable sources are for keeping and building links by now... Not only do you post to worthless engines, but Google prob de-indexes your links too because of that indexing you do, thus causing the hamster wheel you continue to run along.
Even in your first paragraph here you go into how people should be building backlinks to their backlinks ( which is what I suggest in multiple posts on this forum ) here:, but then you continue to say in all my posts about it that I am the one that is wrong. Clearly here you agree with me and my methods, but on posts like this you say the opposite. Looks like your a hypocrite. You promote the use and method of tiering and backlink your backlinks unless the post is about indexing and indexing services, which you go against this strategy that even you promote just to push your own services.
In this post you also tell us about how massive linking got you ranking in high competitive niches and it was all you needed to do ( notice no commenting that he used his own indexing services.. hehe ) here: Just because you are not able to keep up and you suffer from huge link loss from doing SEO the wrong way doesn't mean you have to be jealous of others that can. You used the same methods I talked about and ranked, but don't want others to know that when I talk about them. You're not able to get good verification rates, but yet you want to tell me and others how to run SER and SEO.. lol You mention this method still works "wonders" for other terms though, but try to bash the method at the same time. Make up your mind boy.
Some of us don't need to rank #1 to make money all the way to the bank. We don't play in the niches where the kw volume is so low ( like you do ) that we have to be #1 to get substantial traffic. We can rank #2 or #4 and bank. Who cares about #1 if you're in the ecommerce business and the #1 and 2 spot is held by Wikipedia? Ranking right below them at #3 when you're the first result to offer them their need ( like in ecommerce ) does just as well as if you were #1 since the #1 and #2 spot can't offer and serve them what they need.
You don't understand or comprehend that, so I guess I can't be made at you. However, what good does being #1 mean if you can't even hold it for more than a day? You seem to extend a lot of energy to try outdated methods to rank for #1, but then admit you suffer huge link losses and can't do it anymore.... what good is being #1 if you can't hold it @Tim89? for more than a day? Seems like "indexing" and your "indexing" service not only doesn't help you get to #1 anymore, but also can't hold it either. Why waste time doing your methods if I am on a hamster wheel daily.
It looks like you're the one this really applies to ( using your own words here from above ):
The methods you preach are pointless for longevity.
The proof for all this is in your old posts, which you can't delete this time.
Ciao for now!
Please take your ball and go play elsewhere and take that time to learn about SEO and strategy please.
I do not delete posts because I'm wrong, I delete posts to not start little e-battles like this one where you persist in constantly arguing, this back and forth thing is not particularly something I enjoy.
Lol, you doubt I rank anything myself, OK mate, I do pretty well with my SEO projects, I don't need you questioning my ranking ability, How about yourself?
I do not "push" my indexing service, This forum is one of the few I actually have a sales thread on, This is by choice, if I did really want to promote my service, wouldn't you think it'll be splattered all over the internet on SEO forums? Warrior forum, Black Hat World, WickedFire? Software developers approach me directly as they want to integrate my service within their tool, people and tools I don't even know or have conversed with before.
A prime example, if you take a look at my sales thread on this forum, I don't spam adverts or bump my thread constantly with pointless comments and or alerts, unlike some.
You need to do some research prior to suggesting I am promoting or "pushing" my service around as in reality, it's just not true what so ever and my comment above proves this.
I'm actually a fairly decent/fair individual and I treat my customers and fellow SEOs that ask me questions with respect, it's people like yourself that brings this "character" of mine out, it has nothing to do with the service I provide, you don't mix business with personal issues.
Why don't you sign into your real account and we can continue this convo instead of hiding behind a pseudo alter ego, mate. Your grudge toward me isn't normal.
My "Stick rates" are nothing to do with indexing rates or leaving footprints you peanut, it's to do with webmasters/admins deleting posts, come on, are you such a novice that you don't understand that?
Link loss is part of link building, not all links you build are going to last an eternity are they? You speak absolute rubbish, as I said in my previous post, if I was all about self promoting myself, I would do it elsewhere also.
These little posts/comments you've looked into and deduced that I am an evil self promoter is just your attempt at making me look like the bad guy when in reality, I consider myself a part of this community first so I make suggestions upon facts, not made up stories, If I suggest an "Indexing service" there are many, not just mine.
"but Google prob de-indexes your links too because of that indexing you
do, thus causing the hamster wheel you continue to run along."
Your a novice man, get a grip of yourself and stop crying and go spam your sales thread.
Should I post thread URLs like I did above as proof yet again?
Oh man, I can't wait for this answer...
If you answer no, you're a total fail at understanding SEO. If you answer yes.. you just proved what I said above.
I follow bullshit to help others, not for my own benefit, heck don't you think it'll be more profitable for myself "running an indexing service" if I actually promoted the aid of lists? The more links people create, the higher indexing plan they are going to need to purchase (IF THEY USE A SERVICE). you know it would make sense.
Your profile of me is completely wrong and unjust, you're just trying to attack me on a personal level now and also a business level with your nonsense and preaching it to an audience that doesn't give a damn.
Would you like a cookie?
I don't consider a devalued link being a deindexed/deleted link as this is what I am able to record and analyse myself and I work on facts, not theories, tell me, how are you to know if and how a link is devalued if the link remains in googles index? without looking into some third party statical data sources that you can never rely 100% on.
Link loss is links that exist no more, when a webmaster/admin deletes your post, the link returns a 404 error and most of the times gets redirected to the source sites' homepage, google thus deindex's these links as they are dead.
A devalued link can still be powered up again after time if it remains in the index, penalties are lifted in time, have you ever had a site bounce back up after a year or so? This is my point, backlinks are no different.
Maybe next time you say you don't start arguments with people online, you actually do that.. hmmm ok?
I'll go ahead and stop this battle. If you wish to continuing posting in this thread with what ever you want, go ahead.